Monday, January 4, 2010


Are you caught in the prison or illness of bitterness? Let's look at how you can gain release and freedom from this dastardly situation.

One, understand the value of forgiving others. I read a powerful statement. Listen carefully, "When I forgive another, I set a prisoner free; and then I discovered that the prisoner was me."

If your relationship has soured, the way to be released from the prison of bitterness is by forgiving, setting the other person free from your wrath, vengeance, and hatred.

When you forgive another, you will find that all along the prisoner was you. Not he. So, understand the value of forgiving others. For your own spiritual and mental health, you must forgive. There is value in forgiving another. There is value for your own life.

Two, you can't forgive horizontally, unless you have been forgiven vertically. Another way of saying it: unless you have received forgiveness from God, you wouldn't possess the resources or comprehend the dimensions of forgiving.

1 comment:

C_Shekhar said...

its really true that forgiveness is one of the code to lead happy life.....