Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Other Half

I was thinking…

Technology entrepreneurs, firms, and investors are banding together to bring internet access to 3 billion people—the other half of the world not presently able to connect to this basic and fast source of information. Called the O3B (“Other 3 billion”), the project will make fast fiber internet access networks available where it does not exist or is simply too expensive.

Satellite%2008, originally uploaded by john_dulaney.

An incredible space-placed undertaking drawn from 16 low-earth orbit satellites, the O3B will cover all points, places, and people, from 45 degrees north of the equator to 45 degrees south of it.

Though this project of high-speed, low-cost internet connectivity is not completely altruistic—investors are attracted by technological sophistication and pent-up demand –it is still a worthwhile project.

To me the grand project seems like a classic confluence of “doing well while doing good”—i.e, doing economically well while at the same time doing social good.

I was wondering if an unwritten urge, an unarticulated impulse, an unstated wish stimulates this human project. Perhaps, in this world of human dignity and depravity, there is still a compelling desire to meet people’s rights to access any information even more than an investor’s economic need to turn a large profit.

In fact, humans urgently need and possess a right to some information about God. Your human need and right to information about divine initiatives to eternally rescue you, compels me to send you this message. All, free of cost, without economically profiting from this gesture. For unless you hear, you can’t believe, and unless I share the good news with you, you can’t know. Want to know? Freely and Quickly? You may be in the O3B in a spiritual manner of speaking. Contact me.

What do you think?

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Ramesh Richard

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As always your thoughts are futuristic yet forms the very basics.

Your post about o3b is interesting indeed.

I have no authority to speak about the benevolent attributes or lack of thereof.
However there exists such things as Free softwares and technology in general that are sometimes powered by commercialism.

As the article suggests knowledge that is available for free(free as in freedom) is capable of reaching the impoverished many.

In this regard although the o3b project may be commercially backed they definitely exhibit a visible altruistic nature.

One such product of technology that empowers the many is the OLPC

Thats just the simple way I look at tech.
